Like this photo, sent to me by Alan Pfahl. Obviously, it's Christmastime. We're visiting our long-time family friends in Ottawa.
The photo's from around 1975, just in case the fashion choices didn't establish that for you. I vaguely recall the photo being taken. We were told we needed to smile more. And I definitely remember the shirt I'm wearing, decorated with a rhinestone-eyed bunny embroidered in gold thread.
Why my memory would snag on a shirt I wore 45 years ago is beyond me.
What should be more captivating is what I'll be doing for the next certain-to-be-less-than 45 years. I reassure everyone who asks that I have a plan for the next three months:
- January - do nothing
- February - go to Amsterdam (only ten days, but that counts as a month)
- March - fire up the network and see what's going on
And that really is the best I can do right now.
Thanks for reading!
Happy New Year!