Saturday, December 14, 2019

Greta Thunberg Rules

Salvador Dali: deconstructed Madonna at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art
My Minister, Greg Rickford, got called out in the news recently for citing research from the climate-change-denying blog Climate Change Dispatch. Rockford liked the blog's position on the futility of green energy. It helped with his rhetorical sparring with ungrateful Ontarians who complain about the green energy contracts the Ford government has cancelled.

Another prominent conservative, Joe Olivernow Chair of the Board of the province's Independent Electricity Systems Operator, does not disbelieve in climate change, he just thinks people need to give it a chance

On my sixth last day as a public servant, I attended a presentation given by one of our co-op students. He shared his research on how Toronto Hydro is adapting to climate change. He seemed to think he was saying something new when he noted that actions taken now will be much less expensive than actions taken in the future.

"Just like we said in 1984," I said, unable to contain myself.

What surprised and then dismayed me was the genuine surprise on the faces of the youngsters in the room with me, my fellow public servants, the ones holding the reins for now and the next thirty years. 

Apparently they think they invented climate change, too.

5 days left.

Thanks for reading!


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