Saturday, December 28, 2019

Now What?

Left to right, back row: me, my older sister Cathy and my younger sister Kim.
My oldest sister Carol may be the person in the pink shirt, outside the photo frame, next to Kim.
Left to right front row Sandy, Alan, Kerry and Debra Pfahl. 
When you send out holiday greetings to every name you recognize in your contacts list, sometimes you get unexpected things back.

Like this photo, sent to me by Alan Pfahl. Obviously, it's Christmastime. We're visiting our long-time family friends in Ottawa.  

The photo's from around 1975, just in case the fashion choices didn't establish that for you. I vaguely recall the photo being taken. We were told we needed to smile more. And I definitely remember the shirt I'm wearing, decorated with a rhinestone-eyed bunny embroidered in gold thread.  

Why my memory would snag on a shirt I wore 45 years ago is beyond me. 

What should be more captivating is what I'll be doing for the next certain-to-be-less-than 45 years. I reassure everyone who asks that I have a plan for the next three months:

  • January - do nothing
  • February - go to Amsterdam (only ten days, but that counts as a month)
  • March - fire up the network and see what's going on

And that really is the best I can do right now.

Thanks for reading!

Happy New Year!



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