Saturday, November 16, 2019


Field of poppies: Barbara Ann Scott Park by 777 Bay Street, Toronto
Under Trump, Republicans have become trash-talking conspiracy nuts, just like their boss.

The schtick plays well in pro wrestling arenas and political rallies, but loses its oomph in more grown-up venues, like impeachment hearings.

Not that the leader of the free world has noticed. The same day Roger Stone was found guilty of obstruction and witness tampering, Trump, in plain sight as always, did the same

Trump and his minions are the dumbest, least likeable, most egotistical guys in the room. They are the ones you hated in high school. And they have never really left high school. 

Meanwhile, in Ford Nation, a Finance Minister more self-directed than the last guy made it through the Fall Economic Statement (reverently referred to by insiders as the FEZ) without seriously embarrassing himself or his boss

That shows you the virtue of being your own man.

As for me, I'm counting the days (25), planning a big party, and wondering how it got to be mid-November already.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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