Saturday, September 30, 2017

What Next?

White peacock, Isola Bella, Lake Maggiore, Italy
By the time they reach their fiftieth birthday, if they are lucky enough to have done that, most people have more life behind them than ahead. 

Seeing as I just turned 60, this simple math has been on my mind.

And I keep asking myself what next. 

I think I need to work for a living until I'm sixty-five, which is very different from wanting to work that long.

The lingering effects of major surgery keep me mindful that I may outlive my able-bodiedness.

My trip to Italy showed me that travel works as a simulacrum of youth. Being carefree while absorbing terabytes of new information is almost like being twenty-five. The world is once again full of wonders.

With my dwindling stock of days remaining, I need to figure out how to keep my world full of wonder.


For more than five years this blog has had 25 subscribers, give or take. Over the past two weeks, I have gained many new subscribers. As of this morning, that number is now 117. 

I am thrilled that my audience has grown, but I can't help but wonder - assuming that the Blogger bot filter has not failed - who the new readers are. 

If one of my new subscribers could click through the post title to the actual blog site and leave a comment letting me know who you are, that would be swell.

Thanks for reading!



  1. It's me, your old U of T class mate :)

    1. Hey, Anne! Thanks for subscribing! Now I just need to know who the others are.
