Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Pompeii and Positano

Before its destruction on the [disputed] 24th of August AD 79, Pompeii had a population of 11,500.

Now, after its exhumation and subsequent addition to cruise ship itineraries, Pompeii is, according to some, being ruined again. But its population is back up, as shown in the photo.

I've learned that the wifi is weak no matter where I go in Italy, and will restrict myself to two photos a day.

The one above shows the quintessence of my experience of Pompeii.

And here's the Amalfi coast.

Our second full day in Italy began with a three hour bus ride from Rome to Pompeii. As we sped along the autostrade, Patricia, our guide, filled us in on failed government attempts in the 60s to revive the southern economy and on the continuing influence of the mafia in these parts.

As everywhere, the traffic was intense, the crowds oppressive. We stopped at a spot on the hairpin-turn-rich highway for a photo opportunity. It teemed with selfie-taking Japanese tourists. 

Our destination was Positano, a touristy little town built up the hill side. Its pretty cathedral holds a famous icon (the Black Madonna). Positano meets the ocean at a tiny beach 100% covered by young members of the ruling class.

Bruce and Kevan stayed in a pleasant cafe halfway up the hill drinking beer and eating cannoli while Kim, Carol and I ventured down to aforesaid church and then down to the Mediterranean. Kim and Carol got their feet wet as I preserved the moment.

OK, three photographs.

Thanks for reading!


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