Sunday, September 17, 2017

One Day: Four Cities

AHM DCT #5 - Michelangelo's last pieta
Were there awards for outstanding efforts in touristing, we would have taken at least the silver today.

We left Venice first thing in the morning, stopped in Verona for a couple of hours, then stopped in Milan to see the castle, the La Scala opera and the duomo and then drove to the lake district to land at our hotel.

These epic feats of sightseeing are our tour guide's conscientious efforts to make sure we get the most out of our short time in Italy. 

We do get a lot done in a day.

This is purportedly Juliet's balcony in Verona; we could not make our way through the tourists to see this. This photo was taken by Kevan MacRow.
Verona, unlike the historic city in Venice, is a real place. Bruce and I wandered off on our own through the narrow streets. The city felt lively and engaged in more than just visitors from out of town in new shoes sporting cameras.

Milan also had a lot going on, including the building shown above. The "living exterior" idea may catch on.

More than any of the other cities we've visited, I felt like I'd like to come back to Verona and Milan.

Inside the duomo in Milan, the fourth largest church in the world, three of which I have been in: St. Peter's in Rome, St. Paul's in London and this one.

In case you're wondering where all the marble for the church came from, it came from this mountainside, as seen from our hotel in our fourth city today, Baveno, on the shores of Lake Maggiore.

Thanks for reading!


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