Sunday, August 14, 2016

After the Anti-Inflammatories Wear Off

Pipe Cleaner Graffiti By Fenced-in Old Growth Forest Fragment - Sherbourne Street
I have lots of instructions to follow in order to prep for my surgery less than four days from now. The most challenging is that I have had to discontinue taking anti-inflammatory medication - something I've been doing practically non-stop for more than a year.

The NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) irritated my stomach, but, on the rare occasions when I forgot to take them, I came to appreciate the good they did me.

It's Sunday afternoon and I haven't had a pill since Friday morning.  It's easy to over do things. I went shopping yesterday and was on my feet in the kitchen for a couple of hours cooking in preparation of my sister Carol's arrival. 

The outcome of that is I'm pretty much off my feet now, and will have to stay that way until tomorrow. Bruce will go out to the airport to pick up my sister, but I can't go with him. Too much walking.

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