Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A Week Ago This Very Minute

I'm starting this around 12:30 p.m. and am going to hit the "publish" button at 1:00 p.m. local time no matter what shape this is in, so forgive any awkwardness, verbosity, repetition, spelling mistakes and all the other the things I work so hard to spare you, my readers.

A week ago this very minute, I was being lifted off an operating table, a brand new gash in my right hip.

I was sedated, anaesthetized, refrigerated and, as already noted, truly surprised.

Since then I've had more adventures than one might think possible for a middle-aged woman fresh out of surgery.

But the only thing that really matters is how well am I healing; how much mobility am I regaining.

On the healing side, I think I'm doing fine. My pain is well under control. Bruce observed this morning that the (substantial, impressive) bruising around the site of the operation has really subsided. My hip and upper thigh are still swollen, but nothing like they were. I can tell from the crinkling around the edges of the dressing how much the flesh has shrunk. All good.

Then there's mobility. 

Of necessity, I did a lot of walking with a walker my last night in hospital, but it felt awkward, difficult and painful. Lifting my leg in and out of bed was the worst. 

When I got home, I moved around with the walker, but by my second full day home, Monday, I really felt like I didn't need it, though that choice didn't turn out all that well.

When we made the decision on Tuesday to go to Toronto Western Emergency, it did not even occur to me to take the walker. I managed fine with just the cane, grateful as I was for the offer of the wheelchair by the handsome young male nurse. 

For the first day and a half at home, going up and down the stairs for meals was out of the question. Last night, I ate my dinner seated at the dining room table. Lunch today, the same. I count the climb up and down the stairs as physio. 

I think I'll always like breakfast in bed, though.

Not bad for one week.

Thanks for reading!


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