Saturday, August 29, 2020


Set and ready: the guy we hired to assemble the new treadmill on Monday the 31st called on Friday the 28th and asked if he could come by that day. We said yes. Now we have no excuse.

Clickbait ads on the internet are telling me it's time to set a new routine. I think this must be the 21st C way to say "summer's almost over."

In this household "back to school" isn't a thing. It's the piece of new equipment on the third floor that's instigating a rethink.

I'm on it.

But I don't think I'll give up entirely on my foot tan just yet. There's more to see than just what's outside the bedroom window.

Such As...

The found poem in Cabbagetown laneway names.


The free junk on Cabbagetown curbs.

A random sample: a bbq grill, a terra cotta sconce and a broken sled.

The gritty birdbaths of Cabbagetown sparrows.

Dust-bathing sparrows have excavated these little
depressions in bone dry dirt.

The weathered memorials of Cabbagetown residents.

And the occasional field mouse.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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