Saturday, September 5, 2020

Off the Payroll

Pretty heritage porch, corner of Sackville and Amelia Streets

As of 1 September, 2020, I am officially no longer employed by the province of Ontario. It feels better than I imagined - especially as I thought that I would never feel better than I did on December 21, 2019 when I left the office never to return.

As For The Pandemic

Numbers are creeping up - both cases and government deficits. Back to school is chaos. 20-minute tests are on their way. Flights are very high risk. And, everyone's going to catch this thing eventually. Feels like we have everything under control.

And the US Election

Biden's leading. But it's tight in battleground states. Trump can still win, but if he loses there will be months of uncertainty, or worse. It's like watching your neighbours fight over whether to blow their house up or burn it down. 

And the Treadmill

It's actually something called a tread climber, because there are two separate treads that go up and down while you step. It's guaranteed to burst a sweat out of you in about five minutes. And, yes, we're both using it, Bruce in the morning before he goes to visit his dad, me in the afternoon after sitting on my ass writing all morning. 

First Official Act as a Free Person

Now that I am no longer paid by the government, I am free to do some volunteer work I originally signed up for last year. It's research into climate change and government actions to address same. I'm a little rusty, so this is going to take longer than it used to. I am despairing about properly formatting the footnotes, and - God help me - putting together a bibliography. 

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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