Saturday, August 8, 2020

I Have No Real Problems, Part Two

This is Primrose, a piece of public art next to St. Basil's Catholic Church on Bay Street.
I strongly recommend you click on this link.

About ten years ago, I wrote in a weekly email that it felt strange to share the small details of my life when so much of greater import was going on. To make my point, I listed things that had not happened to me:

  • the Japan tsunami (March 11, 2011)
  • the marriage of Wills and Kate (April 29, 2011) 
  • the assassination of Osama bin Laden (May 2, 2011)
In the same vein, today I note that I have not

Instead, I've discovered there's more to buying a treadmill than just clicking a few buttons and sending $2700 into the void of the Internet.

First, there are the Federal Express guys who dump two giant boxes in your front hallway ... under protest. They explained all they legally had to do was leave them (one is 110 lbs., the other 80 lbs.) on the front step.

Second, you have to figure out how to get the boxes out of the hallway without injuring yourself or your husband.

Third, once you get the boxes up a half flight of stairs to the dining room, you realize you can't possibly get them up the two flights of stairs still to go.

Fourth, you hire a couple of guys to do the heavy lifting for you for a reasonable - given the alternative - cost of $150 bucks plus tax.

El Cheapo Movers will be here on Monday. The guy we've paid to assemble the equipment comes at the end of the month after we receive, I hope, the pad to protect the carpet from the treadmill.

After that, it'll just be a treadmill and all the fun that implies ...

Thanks for reading!

Summer's almost over! Get outside! 


It looked smaller on the website

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