Saturday, August 1, 2020

Stage 3 - The Final Frontier

Someone's been painting rocks and leaving them scattered around the neighbourhood.

This week's picture is the first one since February 20, 2020 that was not taken in Toronto. An enterprising optimist painted rocks with cheerful messages and left them scattered about my sister's neighbourhood in Belleville, Ontario.

Toronto entered Stage 3 on July 31. We celebrated by having my sister and brother-in-law in our home - so we could finally recoup some of the value in our renovated guest bathroom - and then beat it up the 401 to Belleville, where all is as it was, except everyone's wearing a mask and the line up for ice cream in Bloomfield is more socially distanced than normal.

I know the pandemic's not over. You don't have to look too far for persuasive signs of that. Bruce and I still follow the rules and avoid those who don't. I'm glad I have no skin in the game on the question of reopening schools. I wish Canada had less skin in how badly the the US is playing the game.  

And I don't, don't, DON'T care about the WE scandal, as much as it fulfills a longing for news not about COVID. 

In honour of reaching Stage 3, I have quit my membership at the YMCA. I've always liked the idea of the Y, but I never liked working out there. Also, the Y teems with young people who I can only assume are careless about social distancing.

The pandemic forced me out of doors to get exercise. That's worked out quite well. Sidewalks will be slippery in the winter, so I've ordered a treadmill.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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