Saturday, April 1, 2017

Your Tax Dollars - One Last Time

Me and John Cooper - 29 March, 2017, Ottawa
This is a picture of me and John Cooper. John's my fellow co-chair of a multi-stakeholder working group that develops new standards to protect the air you breathe. The day after this photo was taken, we brought the group to consensus one more time. 

Your tax dollars ....

John works - at least for the next few months - at Health Canada. And then he will retire. 

John's long been one of my favourite public servants. He's smart, dedicated and fun to work with. He's also courageous, determined and a man of great integrity.

It was a real pleasure to work with him and I will miss him when he's gone.

I'd heard this past week of the imminent retirement of a few other air quality warriors, and I'm a little sad I'm not among them.

You Start to Wonder Why On Earth You Still Work for Government When ...

After three years, eight months and nineteen days at a job, I was told that the hour I spent talking about myself on March 2, 2017 put an end to all that. 

I lost the competition for my own job.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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