Saturday, April 15, 2017

Good Friday in Toronto and an Update from the Yessir Yessir Highway

Still another strange little vehicle. The youngish man to whom these contraptions belong also has many stuffed bears. He brings a different bear each day with him and talks to it softly and kindly as he walks down the street. He always wears a helmet.

Sleeping raccoon high in a bare tree on the Sherbourne Common on the Toronto Waterfront.

Famous troupe l'oeil painting (1980), newly renovated park, Gooderham Flatiron Building.


The Ruler of a small but pleasant realm was seated at her desk behind the locked door of her chambers. She'd just opened an envelope marked with the Great Troll's shaky handwriting.

[Editor's note: the earliest versions of this account had reported that the note inside the envelope said "Congratulations," but, more authoritative texts show that the note said "Open the door."]

There was a knock at her chamber door.

"Who is it?" asked the Ruler, really missing Chappie, her most trusted advisor, long since gone. She also missed the Wizard, who today had sent an intern when she called for assistance. In other times, he would have brought his magic sack himself.

The Ruler began to regret the long time she spent in the wilderness getting rid of the Thing. It seemed as if many things had changed in her absence.

"It's me," said a voice from behind the door. The Ruler recognized the Wizard's voice. This was odd. The Wizard had his own entry into her chamber. So he must not have been alone.

"Greetings Wizard," said the Ruler, making her voice cheerful. "Who accompanies you today?"

"It's me," said the Henchman, the Ruler's boss to the first power.

"And me." The Ruler recognized the softy, raspy voice of the Ghost, her seldom-seen boss to the second power. 

"What a red letter day this is," said the Ruler, keeping her voice cheerful as she walked across the room, unlocked and opened the door. "Three of the greatest, most noble, wisest men in the kingdom all visiting me at the same time. To what do I owe the great honour?"

The men filed in past the Ruler, made their way into the chamber, and turned to face her, in a row, their arms folded. They looked like three big, stern-faced chess pieces. 

"No time for pleasantries," said the Henchman. "We're here to take you to the Troll Bridge." The Troll Bridge was the place of greatest power and peril in the kingdom where lay the corpse-strewn lair of the Great Troll.

The Ruler, perplexed by the means but not entirely surprised by the request, grabbed her cloak and left her chambers, she assumed for the last time, with the three men.  

They made their way down the Yessir Yessir Highway in formation. Bosses One and Two flanked the Ruler on each side and the Wizard walked behind her. No one spoke.

None of the bustling crowds on the busy highway paid much heed to the foursome as they strode along. The day was warm and sunny, with a gentle breeze. The Ruler noted, in passing and without thinking too much about it, the sharp but not unpleasant smell of someone burning herbs.

To be continued....

Thanks for reading!

Have a Happy Easter!


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