Saturday, February 11, 2023

Sick Day

Beautiful building; just no Picassos,
In case you're curious, the French for food poisoning is intoxication alimentaires. 

The last time one of us got food poisoning on a trip, we were in Ireland. Bruce got his hands on a questionable convenience store sandwich, and felt pretty bad for a day or two.

This time, it's me. 

I blame the oysters.

Because I am stubborn, I insisted we follow the itinerary for the day anyway, and go to the Picasso Museum and the Carnevalet. Which we did do, even though, once off the subway, I had to stop and barf in a trash receptacle. 

The Picasso museum, sadly, was entirely empty of Picasso works, which are all squirrelled away for a special show honouring the 50 anniversary of his death starting March 7.

But we were thrilled to see the Faith Ringgold show instead, a retrospective of her works from the past fifty years. 

Honestly, though, I felt pretty bad.

At the Carnevalet, I had just enough in the tank to sit next to the 10,000-year-old long, shallow, wooden boat on display there and marvel at how long humans have lived in the area. But in my dehydrated haze I had left the hotel room without my camera battery, and my phone just wasn't up to the task of getting a good photo. Next time,

We Ubered back to the hotel, stopped by a pharmacy to get some anti-nauseant (trade name Vogalib; seems to be working).

Tomorrow we're taking the TGV to Tours.  

I won't forget my battery. And I'm staying away from oysters.

Thanks for reading!



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