Thursday, February 16, 2023

On Y Va

The Cluny is built on the site of a Roman bath. This picture is from inside the frigidarium.

For our last non-travelling day in Paris, we combined the Medieval finery of the Cluny Museum with the grim but necessary viewing of the Museum of the Liberation of France which features (among many others) the story of Jean Moulin, a senior public servant who helped organize the French Resistance under Charles DeGaulle. Someone betrayed Moulin to the Germans. He was captured, brutally tortured by Klaus Barbie and killed.

So the theme the museums had in common was martyrdom.

We fly out this afternoon. It's another strike day, so we gave ourselves lots of time, caught the last taxi by Pt. de St. Cloud and were at the airport four hours before our flight.

Aside from those hours stretching ahead of us, time has gone by fast in Paris.

Thanks for reading!


The comparatively low bar for sainthood back in the day. St. Martin cuts his cloak in two to help out a freezing beggar, and St. George vanquishes a garden snail.


  1. have really enjoyed these posts! (Sherree)

  2. You can never be too careful around those carnivorous snails.
