Sunday, November 6, 2022

Mightier Than ... The Virus

The photo above shows the Bluma Appel Salon at the Reference Library around 11:30 in the morning last Sunday.

The crowd was at least 500 people when we were there. I'd also say there were as many women as men, as many young as old (though no strollers, which was a mercy), and lots of racial diversity among them.

What on Earth, in this day and age, and at this stage of the pandemic, would draw such huge numbers? Was it a comics convention? Was it stamps? 

Take another look at the photo below.

Any idea what would attract this kind of mob?

It was pens. These are photos from the Scriptus show, an annual event showcasing pens, fine paper and ink. There were some ball points and gel pens in among the wares, but mostly, there were fountain pens. Used fountain pens. New fountain pens. Five hundred dollar fountain pens. Fountain pens so coveted by those in attendance that they arranged themselves three deep around the tables and examined the nibs with jeweller's loupes. 

I bought a cool pen as a gift for a friend, and Bruce had to wait outside because there were just too damned many people.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


Filmore chips in for public health.

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