Friday, July 22, 2022

Ten Years Ago Today

Leslie Street Spit, 15 July 2012. First photo ever published on this blog.

Ten years ago today, I published my first post on this blog. That's 620 posts (including this one), and, according to Google stats, 27,800 views. 

(To put that in perspective, a blog considered to be successful gets 150,000 views a month.)

Recently Hank Green tweeted this: 

The universe is less than 14 billion years old and there are more than 7 billion people.

So humanity’s collective experience of the COVID-19 pandemic has been longer than the entire life of the universe...

Following this example, assuming each post takes five minutes to read, my readers' collective experience of my blog has been 469 days, which is shorter than the life of the universe, but exactly how long it took for the US Patent office to approve a Sandersville, Georgia inventor’s patent for waste stream product management.

Anyway. Milestones like this may make you wonder which of all these posts is my favourite.

My favourite post is always the one I'm writing now. But, some posts have garnered more reader reactions than others, including the ones where

...  firemen rescued a cat

... I wrote short fiction: Sparky's Funtime Summertime Murder Mystery

... I wrote about post-hip-surgery physiotherapy.

The blog has been a chronicle of sorts of my life for the past ten years, first as a bureaucrat and then as a retired person.

From March 2020 to, well, now, it's also been a chronicle of the COVID-19 pandemic, my special contribution to which has been to collect pictures of previously non-ironic signs and advertisements

And from the outset this blog has, from time to time, reminded people that climate change is a thing, and we really ought to do something about it, besides just burn and sweat and perish in the floods.

Thanks for reading for ten whole years!


Also ten years ago: Bruce was clean
shaven, and smoked cigarettes.

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