Saturday, January 11, 2020

Six Saturdays and a Sunday

The quote from George Satayana "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it" is itself sometimes misremembered as "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." This placard from the Scottish National Portrait Gallery seems on point ... 

It's strange to start a new year, and my role as person whose time is entirely her own, with the world closer to ending its most recent version of confident bourgeois civilization.

The events of my life pale in comparison to what some people are going through right now

But, that is always true. You never have to look too far on planet Earth to find someone having a worse day than you.

Closer to home, then, this past week, I have

  • assessed the damage arising from an ill-considered upgrade to the new Apple operating system Catalina (Pro Tip: do a back up first or you might be the one who loses five years of e-mail)
  • after some harrowing episodes, helped Bruce talk his way through the implications of moving his dad to "the second floor" at New Horizons Tower where Ken will get the help he needs 
  • bit the bullet and ordered up about 60K worth of bathroom renovations
  • fought off the last lingering shreds of a flu bug that I think I picked up on the 21st and then shared with Bruce's dad - precipitating the harrowing events mentioned above.   

The best thing about being retired is that all of the above would have happened anyway, but I would have had to go to work, too.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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