Saturday, April 23, 2022

Among the Greats

I like Dublin. It has the greatest cafe culture in the Western world, no high-rise buildings, a pub every half-block and lots of public art that everyone takes very seriously.

Today we saw the Book of Kells and the Long Room at the Trinity College library, the statue of Oscar Wilde in Merrion Square, the Irish National Gallery, the National Print Museum, the GPO Museum and the statue of James Joyce across from the GPO, plus The Dublin Spire.

The Spire replaced the destroyed Nelson's pillar 
which once stood by the GPO. 

Our first day here, this was Bruce after his 
trans-Atlantic flight.

But today Bruce was more himself, 
and ready to hang with the greats,
like James Joyce...

... and Oscar Wilde.

Tomorrow we start our hiking holiday. More posts from the road!

Thanks for reading!


Merrion Square tulips

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