Saturday, December 4, 2021

Be of Good Cheer

Back by popular demand: Captain Oreo, still hoppin' strong.


The Saint Lawrence Market: Deck the Halls

I can't help but feel cheerful this Christmas, COVID omicron notwithstanding. 

Maybe it's because we have the last of 2021's big projects completed - all of the furniture slated for recovering has been recovered - and all that messy money has been tidily swept out of our bank accounts. 

Maybe it's because we can visit friends in their homes - and pay our respects to any venerable bunnies that may be on the premises - without breaking the law. 

And maybe it's because stores are open and full of masked people and the city's not an abandoned post-apocalyptic landscape of fear and desolation.

Whatever the reason, I am markedly more light-hearted this year than last.

I hope it lasts.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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