Saturday, May 29, 2021

Signs of Life ... Again

This time last year I remarked on how few people were getting tested at, and how many bees were enjoying the dandelions across the street from, the Women's College Hospital COVID Assessment Centre.

As an indicator of where we are in the pandemic, knowing who's been tested seems out of fashion these days.

The hot new numbers that everyone's talking about are who's got their shot.

Today I joined the ranks of the max-innated and had my second shot of Pfizer at St. Michael's hospital. 

I haven't been across the street from Women's College in a long time, but I'm in the Allan Gardens almost every day, where the flower beds are lavish and cheerful. 

Now that it appears that we are on the way to vaccinating our way out of this, I'm going to stop leading this blog with photos from past posts. 

Next week, a working trip to Peru in 1997.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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