Saturday, May 22, 2021

Bunch of Yahoos ... Again (But Not For Much Longer)

I'm still waiting for my micro-chip - May 16, 2020, signs by Queen's Park.

This time last year, with COVID stretching infinitely before me, I reported on my conversation with an anti-masker on the lawn in front of the provincial legislature, and shared how food unexpectedly arrived at our doorstep, not once but twice, because of the pandemic. 

I needed to tell these stories because the virus was a novel force in my life.

I'm over that. As are, I expect, all of you.

Doug Ford and Friends have announced the re-opening plan for Ontario. As usual, it looks different from everything that has come before it, is complicated in a way guaranteed to confuse at least some of the people expected to comply with it, and, this time, errs on the side of caution. 

The plan relies on vaccination rates (if X% of the population has a shot, then Y activities will be allowed for the next 21 days), putting the carrot of a better summer under the noses of the vaccine hesitant. If all goes as planned, I'll be on a patio with three friends by the middle of June and having my hair cut by mid-July. First or second week of August, I'll have guests over for dinner. 

Whew. What a long haul this has been. But at least the end is in sight. 

Thanks for reading!

Happy Victoria Day!


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