Saturday, June 6, 2020


Bayview Avenue, Saturday May 30: keep your distance!
David Frum's most recent book, Trumpocalypse, was written well before, but happened to be released during, the pandemic. He had just enough time to write a new forward before his publisher had to go to press.

About the word in the title of this blog, he had this to say in his book:
... the word "apocalypse" originally and literally means an uncovering, a revelation. For the Jews and Christians who introduced the concept into [their] religious traditions, an "apocalypse" was not the end. It was a beginning. It would inaugurate a new and better order in which justice would triumph at last over injustice.
I don't like David Frum's politics, but he is a smart, thoughtful person and I've read both his books about Trump. In them I read one man's struggle to navigate the gap between what is and what ought to be.

This week, people around the world were engaged in a similar struggle, but on a much larger scale.

I hope we bridge that gap this time.

Thoughts on a Meme 

My name, gender, race, age and social status have been a meme for a while. But, as I assume my readers are aware, Karens rose to true cultural prominence the week before last (click on the link if you have no idea what I am talking about). 

As a person who has asked to speak with the manager (but only when I'm talking with Bell customer service, I swear), I recognize how I could be seen to fit the stereotype. And that didn't really bother me, until I saw that video.  

Now that Karens threaten to sic police on blameless Black men and mistreat dogs - and not just drive Volvos, binge drink at book clubs, shop at Walmart and demand to speak with the manager wherever they go - all the fun has drained out of the meme for me.

Retribution against this Karen was swift. (Further proof, if you need it, that the impulse to pick on women is strong.) This woman - her actual name is Amy Cooper - lost her job and temporarily lost her dog. She was the social media death threat target-of-the-week, too. 

So I guess she's learned her lesson. Now if only the police could learn theirs.

Black lives matter.

Thanks for reading.



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