Saturday, June 20, 2020

Opening Up

The fledgling robins are back
Ontario outside the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area has moved to Stage 2, meaning people can do just about everything they used to except go to school or rock concerts. Everyone should stay six feet apart and wear a mask, though.

Toronto's still not ready to open, but it is starting to unlock.

Raccoons are the COVID spirit animal: they wear masks; they wash their little hands.

Bayview Avenue on
Sunday afternoon.

Coffee shops are open and serving customers two at a time. Restaurants have morphed into markets to sell their food. Even gyms are getting ready to help everyone shed those COVID pounds. In the meantime, thousands have taken the City up on its offer to get some exercise walking and biking along roadways closed to vehicle traffic.

COVID Litter Photo Essay

You know how you can tell more people are out and about?





Along with mask and glove litter, higher gas prices, and 'way more cars on the road, signs that we are learning to live with the virus among us are:
  • Blinds to Go finally installed in the middle of June the blinds I ordered at the beginning of March.
  • I have a dentist's appointment on July 6 (y-a-a-a-y).
  • I have a haircut booked ... on September 8.
My hair stylist and I agreed unintentionally prophetically early in February that I should "wait a little longer than usual" for my next cut. At the moment, I'm hairier than Justin Trudeau and by September 8 I'll be a bad hair day meme.  

I May Miss the Lockdown

Another unanticipated upside of the response to the virus is I see more friends and talk more with my family than I did before the lockdown. Because no one's got anything to do, everyone has time to visit. And, when I talk with my friends in a park as opposed to a bar or restaurant, I can actually hear what they say.  

Thanks for reading!

Wear a mask!


Two new robins in the
backyard hemlock this year

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