Saturday, March 21, 2020

We're OK - How Are You?

Queen Street West, looking west, 3:15 p.m. Wednesday March 18 2020
Back in the day when I could have face-to-face conversations with people, I used to wonder about those who'd tell me "I know what you're thinking."

What a preposterous notion. Only superficial, self-centred people would ever presume to know another's thoughts.

That said, I know what you're thinking.

You're thinking in one way or another about what everyone has on their minds - everyone, that is, except for some of the neighbourhood denizens. They're wondering about where the hell their dealer has gone and why are all the public washrooms closed.

Spadina Avenue graffiti
Aside from being the purported target of the new virus, us retired people have a lot less to worry about than others. We have non-work-related income. We don't have a mortgage. We don't have children. Bruce's dad is in the safest place he could possibly be right now - a locked-down senior's residence with, apparently, no corona-virus-infected staff. 
I hope that holds up.

Random confession by Castle Frank High School
Our days are exactly the same. We pursue various tasks in the morning: clean house, write novels, that sort of thing. Then we eat lunch and go for a long walk. Some days we pick up groceries at Loblaws, where markers on the floor show us how to keep six feet apart. Toilet paper is still scarce. Then we go home, have supper, go to bed.

On our walks we talk about social media reports (not official government reports) about what's going on in the world: dolphins in Venice canals; serenades and games of paddle ball on Italian balconies; off-the-chart social shaming and dark portents of things to come south of the border

I also watch for interesting graffiti, and yell at cyclists to get off the sidewalk.

Stay healthy.

Thanks for reading.


Not long ago the sign said 120.

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