Thursday, September 26, 2019

Modern Art

The Scots continued to surprise us on the last day of our visit. That's because the Scottish National Museum of Modern Art has one of the finest collections of Surrealist and Dada artwork in the world.

No, really.

They had Magritte:

And Dali:

The museum also showed in six large rooms a massive collection of collage works, called "Cut and Paste." While looking at the pieces from between the wars that used cut-up Victorian engravings, I said to Bruce, "if they don't have something by Terry Gilliam, this whole show is a fraud."

I had nothing to worry about:

Another surprising piece of ephemera (and sorry for the dreadful photo quality), the original artwork for the Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club band cover:

The museum had amazing pieces from its permanent collection throughout:

Lunching under Vulcan's hammer in the museum cafe.
This ... this is the woman's toilet.

This is an earthwork, accompanied by lots of signage about staying safe on and not destroying the art.

The one miracle of our trip: until the night of the 24th, when we had to venture out to partake a fine meal at Michael Wishart's The Honours, we had seen hardly any rain. 

It rained like a bastard during our walk to the restaurant. We enjoyed our fabulous three-course prix fix with wet feet. 

But it was grand.

It was only when I was putting everything in my luggage for the trip back that I read on the back of the ticket to "Cut and Paste" that they didn't allow photographs. Oops.

I'm posting this from Toronto, where we arrived after an uneventful return trip around lunchtime yesterday.

Saturday's blog will be a summing up.

Thanks for reading!


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