Wednesday, September 18, 2019

30,001 Steps - Food Edition

This is "Haggis, Neeps and Tatties" - or haggis, turnips and potatoes. This was the first meal we ate in Edinburgh, having decided to get the whole thing out of the way as soon as possible. The side dish is what they call cole slaw, but it is not cole slaw.
Edinburgh is a global (for now) city. The best restaurants are Italian. You can also get lots of Indian, Mexican, Japanese, and French food. That doesn't mean Bruce and I don't have our usual holiday problem of never knowing where's a good place to eat.

After our bus tour yesterday we walked five minutes to get to Old Town and enjoyed the nice old buildings and interesting infrastructure.

As the sign says, this is Flodden Wall. What is less legible is the message: "This Window Was Made In The Old City Wall With The Sanction Of The Town Council 1875." Who sanctioned the bricking in of the window is not recorded.
It was lunchtime. None of the auld Scots pub-type venues held much appeal. We'd already had our haggis. So we tried fish and chips. Bertie's promised a proper plate. The battered, sustainably harvested haddock was fresh and a little greasy. 

When I think about how much I'm spending, I just double what I see on the tab. For calories, I add an order of magnitude.

Thanks for reading!


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