Saturday, March 3, 2018

Summer Holiday

Winter's relentless: yesterday it snowed.
I started work at the Ontario Ministry of the Environment eleven years, five months and 26 days ago.  

One day ago I stopped.

I am now on a two week break before my new job starts. 

It's my summer holiday. All the work I was so caught up in is behind me. All the work I will be caught up in is ahead, unknown. And, just like all the summers between semesters during my university education, I have some reading to do. 

Staff at the Ministry of Energy have stocked me up with lots of materials. 

At Nandos on Bay Street, February 28. Some of my staff and I pose in front of spent bottles and corks.

Eyeball Breaking News

Last we heard, Bruce's recovery from a torn retina and an effective but wince-inducing procedure seemed to be going well.

And it was going well, but, the eye doc warned us, due to the multiple rips in his retina, the risks of scarring and another detachment were high.

Indeed they were. This past Wednesday Bruce attended his weekly check-in with the doc. His vision test was not as good as the week before, leading to the sad news that scar tissue was building up and another detachment was imminent.

So the following day he went into the eyeball repair shop for a second time. 

After a more intrusive and even more wince-inducing procedure than the first one, Bruce now has a drop of oil in his eye. The effects on his vision are actually less distorting than those of the gas bubble. That's the good news. The bad news is the oil won't go away on its own. Bruce will have to go back to the eyeball repair shop to have it removed.

So Bruce is back to holding his head like a drinking bird in mid-sip for another four weeks or so. But, he feels like an old hand at this now, and is determined that this time, it'll work.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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