Saturday, March 4, 2017

Surprising Numbers

Today's first two pictures illustrate the infinite variations available to anyone playing with digital information. 

They also illustrate popular taste. The app I use, ColorFLY, lets you post your efforts to a showroom, and thousands, maybe even millions of others who also have the app can look at and "like" your work.

I "like" the work of unseen strangers so that they will "like" mine. This seems to work and my highest number of "likes", until recently, had been 11, for this image.

The greatest number of likes I had ever seen on the ColorFly showroom for anyone's work was 35 for an impressive pixelated image of Johnny Depp. 

The pink romanticized horse head that starts this blog, coloured in less than a minute and posted absent-mindedly in a lazy attempt to see what would happen ... got 36 likes.

Being Watched

Another of my idle pastimes to recently score unusually high numbers is this blog. Normally, in a given week, along with the views from two dozen subscribers, This Week's Picture will get about 10 page views. 

But, on one day - February 17, 2017 - not long after I made what could hardly even be called disparaging remarks about the leader of the free world, there were 194 page views of my blog - all from the United States. 

You Know You Work for Government When...

This past week, I interviewed for the job I've been doing for the past 3 years, 8 months and 1 day.

Boy, sure hope I get it.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!



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