Saturday, March 11, 2017

Busy Busy Busy

These two photos - the first one taken in April 2105, the second in March 2017 - show the industriousness of squirrels. Someone, some time ago, thought they would block a squirrel hole in a silver maple in the Allan Gardens. The squirrels, as you can see, thought different.

You Know You Work for Government When...

This is a picture of my calendar for the work week just past. The areas blocked off are almost exclusively chunks of time that other people have reserved for themselves in my calendar.  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday have been tidied up so that there are only a few double booked spaces. On Friday, I was double and triple booked for almost the whole day, except  lunch, which got cancelled.

There's variety in all that quantity. 

On Tuesday, 
  • I met for half an hour with one of my bosses to talk about a document on its way to Cabinet the next day, then 
  • I talked for half an hour with a colleague in another division about clean tech, then 
  • I spent an hour on a video conference with five high school students talking about their successful entry in a hackathon, then 
  • I had an hour-long meeting with one of my managers to talk about sulphur, mercury and nitrogen dioxide, then 
  • I attended for an hour a meeting on how things are progressing with First Nations and climate change, then 
  • I briefed another boss for half an hour about changes to the Residential Tenancies Act and then 
  • I closed the day with a 30 minute conversation that echoed the first conversation of the day, with more people looking for more details about the document going to Cabinet the next day.

I know everyone likes to be busy and you're probably wondering how you could get your calendar to look like mine. My advice is to have lots of bosses. Bosses keep you busy, and, at last count, I have four.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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