Saturday, November 26, 2016

Sic Transit Sleep Country

The blinds, door trim and light fixture inside the closet still have to to go up. The pictures still need to go back on the walls. I still have to arrange for a free consultation with California Closets (or, possibly, Simply Closets), but we have the wrapper off the new light fixture and the bed is back where it belongs, and not in pieces scattered throughout the house.

The bed is also sporting a new mattress that we got from Sleep Country Canada (I apologize for triggering an ear worm).

The last time we went to Sleep Country has got to be at least fifteen years ago. We still have the bed. It's in our guest bedroom. It's what I slept on during my convalescence and it's what we've both been sleeping on while we've been renovating. The frame has always been a piece of crap, but the mattress, a Sealy, is still good.

I recall several things about that first Sleep Country experience. One was the sales guy, just brimming with bed-related information, who talked to us for what seemed like forever before steering us toward the test beds. Another was, at a bit more than two grand, the box spring, mattress and frame constituted the single largest furniture purchase we had made to that date. The price was so big, in fact, that the next time we bought a bed, we went to IKEA because we did not want to spend that much again.

Because the world's a funny place, the IKEA bed frame was a pretty good piece of furniture but the foam mattress was crappy. I wanted to get a new bed after the renovation, or at least a new mattress. A new Sleep Country location opened up on Bay Street just south of Queen's Park where I work, and it felt like all the stars were aligning.

Last Saturday Bruce and I stopped in at that Sleep Country, got nothing like the detailed sales pitch we had before, but did discuss the old bed at length - clearly stating several times that it was an IKEA foam mattress - and picked a mattress that I am sure I will love as much as the Sealy, if not more.

The other thing I love about Sleep Country is that they'll take away your old mattress. The IKEA foam pad is currently wedged up against the wall in our guest bedroom. It's not a pretty sight. I was looking forward to it being gone.

The sales rep for our second Sleep Country bed happily added the fifteen dollar fee for the mattress removal to our total bill and said the new mattress would be delivered Friday.

Two nice young men showed up at our door last night with our new mattress and hardly trashed the place at all as they brought it in. When Bruce showed them the old mattress to take away, they said, "we don't take IKEA foam mattresses."

After some discussion, they pointed to the information on the brochure that the sales rep handed to us after we had completed our transaction. There it stated that Sleep Country would not take uncovered foam mattresses.

The nice young men assured us that once we took the trouble to complain to Sleep Country, our fifteen dollars would be reimbursed. 

I just hope I never need another bed, because I'm never going to either IKEA or Sleep Country again.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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