Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Live From Toronto Rehab

I've got a half an hour before my second appointment at Toronto Rehab, so I'll fill you in about post-operation rehabilitation.

I've just spent an hour with a very nice young physiotherapist named Mariam, who said that while I have made good progress in three weeks, I really have to work on my ass.

I had noticed that my ass had fallen off in the time between when I went into the hospital and when I started standing on my own two feet again. I look like my dad used to: one straight line from the shoulder blades to the heels.

Mariam says there is actual research on this. It shows that two days or more on your back can contribute to significant loss of mass in the gluteus muscles.

This means that my butt muscles are dwindled and are not strong enough to support a proper gait. 

All the lurching I've been doing has not helped me as I've forced my stronger muscles to compensate for the weak ones.

Nor was giving up the cane inside the house a good idea.

I have a fresh new batch of much more difficult exercises to do and unambiguous instructions to walk with my cane no matter if I'm inside or out.

Mariam assures me that this will all take some time, but will get me to where I want to be.

Stay tuned.

Thanks for reading!


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