Wednesday, January 13, 2016

So Sad To Go

We're in that awkward space where every cold weather escapee finds themselves, half in and half out of the vacation dream.

But, the vacation is over; the bag's packed, the room keys have been surrendered, and there's nothing to do but sit around in clothes that are too warm for the local weather and wait for the whole travel thing to begin: get picked up, checked in, security scanned and boarded - and after several hours of sitting in cramped confines everything will be as it was, as if the holiday never happened. Except for the suntan and bruises that won't fade right away.

We really enjoyed this, our third Caribbean vacation in four decades. I would attribute the success to good weather, a nice place, good food and a club full of holiday goers who pretty much left us alone. But for the conversations we had with hotel staff and the freelance vendors on the beach and the short exchange when Justice mooched a butt off of Bruce, our conversations almost never extended beyond "good morning" and "excuse me".

We have been asked by several of the staff as we have said our good byes whether we will be back again. Recalling we don't spend many holidays in the sun, it is a hard question to answer.

Would we come back? Sure.

Will we come back? I dunno.

Thanks for reading!


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