Saturday, January 9, 2016

Live From Barbados

Sadly, for reasons unknown, I can't post pictures from my iPad onto this blog. This makes no sense, but is the sad truth, so I cannot share until I get home some pictures of the very lovely environs Bruce and I are enjoying here at the Club Spa and Resort in Holetown, Barbados.

We don't know why they call it Holetown.

Here are some of the things we have found out about:

 - name of the local beer: Banks - a distinguished member of the refreshing, light-bodied Caribbean beer family
- what ARE the things making those crazy piping noises in the garden as soon as the sun goes down? They are whistling frogs. Tiny, lavender-blue frogs that sing like the choir invisible. All night. Every night.
- what's the name of at least one of the two British stalwarts who park themselves by the bar every morning when it opens at ten and stay there until 11 p.m when it closes? We have named them variously Nigel and Roger, Terry and Gerry, Randy and Peter - but one of them introduced himself today when he bummed a cigarette from Bruce. His name is Justice. So the other one must be Augustus.
- how much damage can you do if you slip and fall on the hard tile floors in the hotel room at the end of the first full day in Barbados? Quite a lot actually. I more or less lost the use of my arms - with which I broke my fall - for our second full day in Barbados. But, now, on the third full day, while I am sporting truly impressive bruises, I can use my arms enough to type this. I'm well on the way to recovery and very happy that I didn't break anything that belonged to me.
- who usually comes to this resort? Overwhelmingly, almost without exception: Brits. We are odd and exotic because we come from Canada. The friendly gentleman who greeted us on the path the morning we were wandering around orienting ourselves and who eventually identified himself as the executive director of the resort, guessed we were American. That's how odd it is that Canadians come to this resort. Can't think of why that should be, except the awesome power of word of mouth. More Canadians may arrive after this.

It is a lovely resort. Barbados is a lovely place.

We went out in a boat to see turtles today and did see one. Tomorrow we're going to the Nature Reserve to see land-based turtles, deer, and lots and lots of monkeys. The animals are not caged in the Reserve, but they are fed. Everyone on Tripadvisor says you totally must be there for the 2:00 feeding time. That's where we'll be.

Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

  1. Have a wonderful time and I look forward to seeing your pics! xo
