Saturday, September 26, 2015

Life's Little Ironies

The only time I got the photo function to work,
from the long-since-deleted Clumsy Ninja app on my iPad.

I was in Thunder Bay from around ten in the morning until four in the afternoon one day this past week. 

During that time, I spent about twenty minutes on a stage making a presentation to one hundred and fifty representatives from municipalities in northwestern Ontario, and about an hour workshopping some public policy concepts with seven (count 'em, seven) people from aforesaid municipalities.

It's 577 nautical miles in each direction from Toronto to Thunder Bay - total trip 1154 nautical miles. At about 50 pounds of CO2 per mile, that's 57,700 pounds of carbon dioxide, divided by the thirty or so passengers plus crew on the plane with me, making my share of the greenhouse gas emissions about 1,923 pounds of CO2 for the trip.

Of course I was in Thunder Bay to talk about climate change. 

At one point I asked the members of the really not very engaged audience how they thought they would reduce their own greenhouse gas emissions by 40% (relative to 1990) by 2030, or even by 15% by 2020.  

I said, "I ask myself that question just about every day. What would I do to reduce my emissions by that much."  

My answer - that I kept to myself - was to reduce my trips to Thunder Bay.


Another Experiment in Behavioural Science - Part VIII

With this week's question, we are 80% of the way to the end of this ultra-low-carbon endeavour. 

The sage, inspiring, dazzling horde of respondents continues to grow. Last week one hero took just 8 seconds to respond!  

You'll find this week's question here.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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