Saturday, September 12, 2015

Chaos Theory

The YMCA on Grosvenor Street in Toronto: big, welcoming, bustling.

It's been quite a week at work. 

Of course and as always these are confidential matters, so it's time to visit our friend the Queen and her Advisors.


The Queen of a small and pleasant realm was in her chambers, applying herself to her endless stream of paperwork but being distracted by a persistent, irritating fly.

The Queen called upon one of her most trusted advisors.

"This fly is driving me crazy," she said when the advisor came to her, "please get rid of it."

The advisor was a kind-hearted person, so would not kill the fly, but rather shooed it out the window. What the adviser saw there gave him a start.

"Oh, Queen," the advisor said, "you better come and look at this."

The Queen came to the window.

"Sweet mother of God," she said.

Stretched out below her window was the vast expanse of the Yessir Yessir Highway. And on that highway were hordes of messengers and advisors engaged in every conceivable form of conflict: daggers drawn, horns locked, pistols cocked, blindly battling. They were yelling and crying and throwing sticks and stones at one another.

"What has happened," the Queen asked her advisor, "that would bring the kingdom to this?"

"The Troll Bridge," answered the advisor, naming the source of all power and peril along the Yessir Yessir Highway.

"Ah," said the Queen, understanding completely. "Well we'd best just shut the window and let what's going on out there simmer down before we open it again."

Obliging his Queen, the advisor shut the window, but, just before the frames touched, the pesky fly flew back into the Queen's chambers.

"Ooops," said the advisor, and the Queen looked up again from her paperwork. She saw the fly.

"Don't worry about it," said the Queen. 


Another Experiment in Behavioural Science - Part VI

The number of brilliant, brave, best-smelling-ever survey respondents continues to grow. Those who respond still spend less than a single minute of their time. 

You'll find this week's question here.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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