Saturday, December 28, 2013

Land Of Ice And Snow

Photo credit: Alfred Ng
Our small corner of Sherbourne Street survived the ice storm almost completely unscathed. We never lost power. The one small casualty was a teeny fuse in the adapter on the power cord to our modem. Surges that made it past the surge "protector" fried the poor little thing, leaving us bereft of wifi for about two days.

The Christmas miracle in our household was the prompt, cheerful, helpful service we got from Bell Canada in the face of our small crisis. Along with my wifi, my faith in humanity is restored.

Per the photo above, taken by local artist and photographer Alfred Ng, some trees in the Allan Gardens fell apart under the weight of the ice. Based on my count as I walked through the gardens the morning after the storm, somewhere between two and three dozen photographers recorded the casualties.

As sad as we were about the fate of some of the nice old trees in the Gardens, we were most interested in the seventy-foot-tall honey locusts in our back yard.

Photo Credit: CBC
But they were well trimmed and protected from the wind, so hardly a single branch fell.

We were very fortunate indeed. I wish even greater measures of luck to my subscribers for the balance of 2013 and all of 2014.

Happy New Year!

Thanks for reading.



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