Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Real Me

First things first. For the information of subscribers for whom I do not have a current e-mail address and who are looking for something fun to do over the holidays, you are invited to:

Bruce and Karen's 
"Stay in Shape for the Holidays"*
Festive Season Open House

Where: #2 - 280 Sherbourne Street, Toronto
When: Sunday December 29, 2-6 p.m.

*The "Stay in Shape" theme has a lot of people quite worried but there is no cause for alarm. All we mean by it is that you can drop by and, between Christmas and New Years, keep your eating and drinking skills honed.

It's quiet at the office this time of year. The legislature has risen, inducing diminished anxiety levels above my head so the frenzy of e-mails and phone calls has all but stopped. Many people have taken their vacations before the winter break so the hallways are comparatively clear of scurrying bureaucrats looking to give me and my team more work.

The usual austerity measures (at least for those of us who don't work for the local power authority) apply, so, while we have fewer pressures on our time, the team still needs to have holiday season fun on the cheap.

This week we did this by sharing profiles of ourselves featuring avatars from South Park, Mad Men and other applications (I note in passing that the only term in current English to have fallen further from its original meaning than icon is avatar). 

As the only true baby boomer left on the staff, I eschewed South Park and explored my options on Mad Men. Here's how it turned out:

But, everyone else's South Park avatars were so funny, I have decided to give it a try.

I hope to see everyone at my party. Who knows, I might even get a hair cut.

Thanks for reading! Have a great week!


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