Saturday, December 17, 2022

Get Back to Canada and Rob a Bank

Each year from 1998 to 2011, I made Christmas cards that featured our Jack Russell terrier Molly. After Molly went on to her next reward, I mailed mass-produced greetings, but I always wished for something more personal. I tried poetry and a fanciful list of twelve days of Christmas gifts. But, nothing felt quite as festive to me as photos of the dog. So, this year the tradition has been revived. Just about everyone who reads this blog is on my mailing list. If you're not, and you'd like to get one, send me an email with your mailing address.  

Our friends from Hamilton are visiting us this week and we want to take them to the Leonard Cohen show at the AGO. We needed to check it out just to make sure it was worth the trip. It is. There's lots for everyone to enjoy and I'm looking forward to going again. Among my favourites were his letters, especially the one above from March 1962. I know it's hard to read. These are the parts I like best: 
I miss everything that I love. I long for you and blind love ... I long for health in the sun, woods I know ... I long for ... the chaotic quarters of modern cities where the village persists ... I want to get back to Canada and rob a bank.
Speaking of banks, the week before last I complained to you all about my bad experience with my travel insurance company. Last week I recounted how I built a slow-moving animal to beguile the tedium of the slow-moving process of making my claim. This week, I got the cheque.

Thanks for reading!

Have a wonderful Winter Solstice!



  1. wonderful card Karen (and Bruce) always loved Molly cards - i might still have a few - especially pop ups. favourite line of the letter was to do with much has evaporated in our fair city...

    1. hmmm sorry it says anonymous - but its Sherree above - and congrats on the check - i understand your persistence. I'm a bit rabid with all the things that Air Canada demands re: my new wheelchair but I persist and argue and demand - i'm the one who said give up though - silly me

  2. Congratulations on getting the cheque, they were fast in delivering once you got through to them!

  3. Bravo for your persistence!

  4. Have you watched Leonard and Marianne on Netflix?
