Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Travelling Light

Where the Ohio, Allegheny and Monongehela Rivers meet.
The second most annoying thing Air Canada did to us was, even though we'd arrived three hours early to board a forty minute flight to Pittsburgh, they made us wait more than an hour before they let us into the security line up. Fifteen minutes after our flight's boarding time, we were still waiting for clearance into the US.

The most annoying thing was, of course, that they lost our luggage.

The Air Canada employee at the Pittsburgh airport, who has been telling people for months now that it's her second day on the job, really had no idea what to say or do. I ultimately spoke to a helpful person working for Air Canada in a call centre in Mumbai, who entered our claim into the system and gave me a tracking code. Now I can now go online at regular intervals to see that, as of twenty-four hours after the last time we saw our bag, they have no idea where it is.

Fine. This is a life, lemons, lemonade situation. Every time I pack to go on a trip I wonder how much I really need to bring with me, and how much could just as easily be obtained at my destination, or just left behind.

This is an opportunity to end the wondering.

Thanks for reading!

The "recently refurbished" Monongehela Incline
being re-refurbished.

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