Saturday, May 21, 2022

Vote Green

The other guys don't even have a chance. Dianne and the
Green Party's youngest campaigner, Joey.

For my very last campaign blast, I captained a sizeable crew of volunteers as they knocked on doors for Dianne Saxe in the neighbourhood around Summerhill Station. Low density and built about 120 years ago, Summerhill's not as tony as Rosedale, at least not yet. The people there showed the highest level of support for Dianne I've seen anywhere.

That might be because Mike Shriener, the Green Party leader, "won" the debate on Monday. Or it could be because of all the hard work Dianne has put into her campaign. People said none of the other parties had knocked on their doors. It appeared only Dianne's campaign had delivered signs in the area.

It might be that people are starting to get it as they firm up their opinions. The election is only a couple of weeks away. 

Or it might not, because Ford's still going to pull the old trick of winning a majority of numbers of seats in the legislature with less than 40% of the vote.


Thanks for reading!

Happy Victoria Day weekend!


Kinsale, Shodja, me, Jim (who was once my boss at
the Ministry of the Environment - it was fun telling him what to do), Dianne, 
Adam, Joey, Terri (Joey's mom), James.

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