Saturday, May 28, 2022

No. Seriously. Vote Green.

The Weather Channel these days is like one of those old "Increase Your Word Power" vocabulary-builder bits in Readers Digest. This week's words are derecho, haboob and wedge tornado.

And, just after a derecho tore apart neighbourhoods north of Toronto, in eastern Ontario and Quebec, the polls show that another Ford majority government is a foregone conclusion.

Also foregone will be more of the destruction only the Weather Channel seems to pay attention to, and what to do about Doug Ford doesn't have a clue. 

So. Seriously. Vote Green.

Remembering Kenneth R. Clarke

May 27 2022. By the place where Ken's ashes were laid to rest. From left to right: Maria (who's 102 years old), Helen, Susan, Bruce, Rick, Bernie (in front), Jeff (in back), Annikka. 

These are the few words I spoke at the service in Ken's memory: 

Ken was, for me, the last of the people I knew in my life as parents, aunts, uncles and in-laws. All those people, mostly born in the late 1920s and early 30s, were the grownups when I was a kid. So the loss of the last one is kind of staggering. A whole generation, that taught me, took care of me, gave me advice good and bad, is all gone now.

Ken was my father-in-law for more than 40 years, so I learned some things about him.  He was a compassionate, caring man. He grew up in hardship and that made him thoughtful about the suffering of others. He loved his family. He worked hard.

Ken didn’t say a lot, but he was always there. When his beloved Marna was in her last illness, Ken would visit her in the hospital every day. He'd sit on the side of her bed and wish with all his heart that she would get better.

His devotion was his signal characteristic, his signal strength. And the strength he gave to everyone around him. 
Ken didn’t say much …. Because when you’re a rock, you don’t need to.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!

Vote Green!


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