Saturday, March 5, 2022

My Hero

My pandemic bellwether: Filmores sounds the all clear.
Dianne Saxe, the Ontario Green Party candidate for University/ Rosedale, sits on a portable folding stool in the hallway of a luxury condo on Brunswick Avenue in Toronto. 

Socially distanced from her, a 70-something man, naked from the waist up, stands in his own doorway, showing off a trim physique and an old pacemaker scar. 

A short distance down the hallway the man's wife leans comfortably against the wall. Her grocery bags, full from the errands she's just run, are on the floor by her feet. 

The couple's honey-coloured mutt takes a shine to Dianne, and embarrasses her owners by sniffing the candidate in places a better behaved dog would not. 

Unfazed by the dog, or the shirtless man, and on the topic of the war in Ukraine, Dianne observes that petro-states threaten the world in every imaginable way. The man assures her, despite any superficial points in common, he does not support Putin.

Dianne gives them a flyer, thanks them for taking the time to talk and she and I move on to the next door down the hall.

"Mark them as leaning Green" Dianne tells me. I enter the information on an iPad.

The Ontario election is three months away, but Dianne's campaigning as if it were next week. She says she doesn't have any choice. She's up against the machines of much bigger, better funded political parties. 

Dianne is the living definition of "indefatigable." She's the Energizer bunny of seventy-year-old Jewish grandmas. Yesterday, in two hours, with me and a couple of other volunteers, she canvassed forty homes and 100 apartments. It was hard work. Six days a week, from now until June 2, she'll do the same in every poll in her riding. 

It's impossible to watch Dianne and be cynical about politics. If you can't vote for her, and you're a resident of Ontario, you could think about supporting her campaign

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


Postscript - Dirty Little Secrets - Kitchen Edition

What my guests see: tidy, organized cupboards:

What only I see: my kitchen equipment drawer:

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