Saturday, September 25, 2021

Will You Still Feed Me

Always invited guest: Great Blue Heron at the Carrying Place Golf Course

Ensconced -- some would say trapped -- as I am in my urban environment, I lose sense of how much time most people spend in their cars.

I was reminded this past week.

For the first of the season's two weddings, we drove an hour and a half in each direction to partake of the happy couple's special day. For the second, we have travelled across the country, and been driven two hours up the fabled Sea to Sky highway.

In between these treks, we visited on Vancouver Island -- the best example in the world of aggressive urban sprawl -- and were on the Island Highway for most of the visit. We were travelling to vineyards and to visit my niece in hospital, so these were necessary trips. It was just hard not to notice how extremely far apart everything was. 

Speaking of lengthy journeys, I turned 64 this past week, something I've never done before. Once I hit 65, I'm going to start counting birthdays by fives, so I'll be 65 until I'm 70, 70 until I'm 75 and so on. I already forget how old I am, so this will make things easier.

We are in the Pemberton valley for wedding number two, where vast natural beauty bears mute witness to the clashing forces of the bride's plans, the groom's family and COVID restrictions. It'll be a hoot.

Vineyard roses: Averill Creek Winery

Autumn vines: Blue Grouse Winery
Thanks for reading!

Have great week!


Oh, right: the bride and groom

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