Saturday, September 4, 2021

Warhol Diary

For the first time in about ten months, we went to the AGO this week. 

They had an Andy Warhol show on, so, technically, it wasn't art, but we went anyway.

Warhol's wig.

Warhol's images on flat surfaces - his prints, his photos, his sketches - are not his greatest work. Actually, few of his works are great at all - not in terms of artistic skill or vision. He's no Mark Rothko. 

Warhol was a wannabe great artist whose ambitions were frustrated by the fact that he had no talent. But, like Syndrome in The Incredibles, he had the skills to mimic some of the superpowers of real artists, such as garnering fame. 

And like Syndrome, Warhol emulated those he admired so he could wreck it for everyone else. 

Bruce, unimpressed with the Warhol show.

Which he did.

The case for censorship: The Whitney Museum of American Art, 2017

Another case for censorship: The Whitney Museum of American Art, 2017
Thanks for reading!

Happy Labour Day long weekend!


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