Saturday, June 26, 2021

Is it Over? ... It Feels Like It's Over

Five days away from the city was all it took to end the pandemic for me.

I'm still wearing a mask in stores (and for four hours on the train back from Parry Sound) but I'm not staying the blazes home anymore. 

Also, we hugged our cottage hosts upon our arrival and again when we said goodbye. 

Proof that quartz is harder than granite.

Speaking of Parry Sound, if you're looking for an emblem of the decline of the northern economy, try this: Parry Sound once supported such freight and passenger traffic that it had two train stations, one for CPR and one for CN (now VIA). These days, both of these stations are derelict, but, they are the places where you step off the train from Toronto (the CPR station at 1 Avenue Road) and board the train to Toronto (the VIA station at 70 Church Street). The only trains that stop in Parry Sound, and only once a week, are the Canadian (Train #1) on its way to Vancouver and the Canadian (Train #2) on its way to Toronto.

I include the arcane details about the train station arrangements in the event that you ever decide to take VIA to Parry Sound. VIA does not provide this information on its website (but without it you can't book your ticket). I had to dig around online, talk to a VIA ticket agent and then dig around online some more before I had a clear take on how to both book the tickets and tell our hosts where to pick us up and drop us off.


Five days on Georgian Bay was a lovely change from the last year and a half. In the spirit of sharing, I offer the following:

Cottage sunset

Ever-present cottage spiders

A surprise guest: a Luna moth by our bunkie door
Thanks for reading!

One of these days I'll tell you about the 1997 trip to Peru!


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