Saturday, March 9, 2019

What Really Happened

This busy and hard to read diagram is the fullest expression of the infographic below. You can find a legible list here.

Both the chart above and the infographic below illustrate the idea that there at least 24 and as many as 180 mental errors humans make when they attempt to comprehend the world around them.

Although I can't begin to sort out my mixed feelings about the illustration (in this grotesque appropriation of Michelangelo's "The Creation of Man" the two white guys nestled under Anthropomorphized God's left arm are Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky) the idea of cognitive bias does help me sort out the mixed feelings I have about SNC-Lavalin. 

You can find a legible version here.

Both Jody Wilson-Raybould and Gerald Butts brought their cognitive biases to the three meetings at issue. These pale in comparison to the biases brought by the story-tellers who have been generating column inches and/or making political hay about the matter ever since the story broke.

I will admit that my own cognitive bias makes me skeptical of the claim that, even though there are 180 ways to get it wrong, there is still a world out there as it "really" is.

I am biased to believe that humans can choose to make or break their world simply by how they react to it. Sometimes their reactions will take a better thing and make it somehow worse. Like electing Donald Trump the President of the United States. Though some people think that's working out just fine.

In any event, whatever you may think of SNC-L, of Ms. Wilson-Raybould or of the Prime Minister, please don't think that any of this makes Andrew Scheer a better person.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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