Saturday, January 19, 2019

Seniors in the News

Freezing at Sugar Beach: Bruce, me, Ken
I've become very interested in old people. 

Bruce and I often share a meal with Ken when we go to see him at his nice new digs at the corner of Dufferin and Bloor. I check out Ken's neighbours in the dining room. They are in age as I imagine they were in their youth: diverse, distinct individuals. 

The lesson here is there's more than one way to be an old person.

For example, the current provincial government is showcasing the many talents of the over-seventy set.

An 82-year-old was recently appointed vice-chair of the Ontario Energy Board.

A 72-year-old may (or may not) become the head of the Ontario Provincial Police.

And 97-year-old Hazel McCallion, for thirty-six years the mayor of Mississauga, has been appointed as a special advisor to the government.

But for the OPP appointee (I'm waiting for the Integrity Commissioner's decision), I am prepared to resist my deep-seated agism and grant that these people are exceptional and qualified for the jobs to which they have been appointed.

It's just coincidental that another spry, high-profile 97-year-old cracked up his car the other day.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


Signs of trouble:
condensation stain
on bathroom ceiling
 reveals location
of access panel.

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